is like family. It comes in all shapes, forms and sizes… more like magnitude.
It is a sad reality that with all the poverty in the world we continue to
create our own poverty to add to the global misery that we are all trying to
escape. Among them is the issue of gender based violence which continues to burden
today’s world…never mind all the buzz that has come about it.
heart broke the other day as I browsed about and came across an article that
featured short stories of a handful of people who have survived gender based
violence mostly from their families and societies but have the most painful
scars I ever saw in my life…a handful that represented hundreds and thousands
on such cases.
have heard thousands of people talk about “imagine it was your mother, imagine
it was your sister, it was your auntie etc and all the other mammis in your
life” and while that hypothetical situation hit home and raised awareness as it
continues to do, I want to bring you the harsh reality void of any emotional
trauma that comes with a hypothetical situation such as the above mentioned.
Look at the photogrid I made. I had a wide selection of pictures on the subject sourced from Uncle Google images. Look carefully, zoom in. Look at these survivors of gender based violence. Look at the scars and disfiguration they have to live with because we did not come to their rescue sooner to protect them from having to deal with consequent scars. Ask yourself whether any human being deserves to innocently.
Look at the photogrid I made. I had a wide selection of pictures on the subject sourced from Uncle Google images. Look carefully, zoom in. Look at these survivors of gender based violence. Look at the scars and disfiguration they have to live with because we did not come to their rescue sooner to protect them from having to deal with consequent scars. Ask yourself whether any human being deserves to innocently.
We are loud and proud that we I’ve in a free
world but the sad truth is that this is, perhaps, the biggest fallacy. How can we allow both sexes to wage war and
torture one another and still claim we live in a free world? We are slaves to
our own silence. Oppression continues to thrive when it is fuelled with silence
because breaking silence is a prerequisite for effective change through action.
heart bleeds. Rebuke gender based violence…